Wednesday, August 18, 2010


hey ya'llllll !
it's 5:05am and i've just showered and i don't think i can fall asleep anymoeee
i think i sleep alot more in the winter like pig ( zhu )
or like panda...

cause they hibernate too.

and i've reached rank 1 in starcraft 2 today !!
lolol !!
well, technically today, but it's yesterday, i mean..
i haven't go to sleep yet so...

Number 1 in platinum league !!!
i don't think im that good ,,
to be number 1 in my league on 1v1 in australia

most of the games were just plain "cheese" rush o_O

( click on it to enlarge ! gogogo !! )

not just number 1 in 1v1,
but also number 1 in 2v2,

me and ron keep losing at start,
until a point that we accidentally found a very gay strategy !

Well, if you were wondering why were there so many losses..

basically, this status keep tracks of the entire account when you sign in,
of course at 1st i donno how to play marhh..
cb, give ppl rush 99.
give ppl say noob
give ppl say cheesealot
give ppl jio my mom ! lol
give ppl say im gonna suck for the rest of my life

well, you get the picture.

haha, im so lameeeeeeeee
doing an entry about starcraft ~_~

guess i eat too much lammmmmmbbbbb chop !
lol !! HAHA i donno why i think that's funny,
im sure you guys won't find it as funny tho !!

i am so weird lar okay! HAHA
well, im gonna try to sleep.
i must !

bye !!

Ridin Solo - Jason De'rulo

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