Wednesday, September 15, 2010

On the floor is where we partyyy


How have you ne664s been doing !!

Hey, do me a favour guys!
you need to drop comments on the box
right there --------------------->

thumbs up for the Win pose !

HA !!

I am so exicted !!
even at 1:34 am right now..
My lifestyle really needs some modification,
im sleeping around 6am and waking up 2pm and stuffs.

but that doesn't mean i skip class larh,
when there's class at 9:30

9:30 ill be there that's for sure,
cause me fucked up 2 subject last semester,
hopefully i don't shove it up my *** again this sem !
HAH ! so gay, imagining something up my ass!

Its really fun having Ron in our apartment,
oh yea.. he did moved in couple of weeks ago.

Good food at home, re-arranged and tidy up our apartment,
Calculated spendings per week for groceries and even,
washing dishes system has also been implemented.

So now we're living a .. healthier lifestyle, by abit.
nice nice ?

NAIS ! i reckoned !

[ damn .. didn't take pictures of the food, you see liao,
also won't say its home-made one..
5Star restaurant style one i tell you ! ]^^


And now, this time, seriously, really,


start a business.
but all credits to Ron also larhh,
the backbone of the business, that's him.

Oh yeah !!
My EV tutor now know i very the imba liao.
Last couple of weeks, keep saying i will fail.

Now say i can get HD liao.
Jibaiii, business stuff, where got fail one me ?
Last sem fail de also not about business!

Tutor chose me as one of the 3 in the class,
jiiiii, you all die liao.
haibuhaolian me.

yeah la, it's kinda a big deal for me larh..
I've never been good in studies and stuffs since ... 2004..

Ok la, I don't really care if im top or not larh,
Just trying to enjoy the most out of Melbourne!

Guess what happened to my iphone.
Jiiii, I don't know how to take picture
of my phone using my phone.

Basically I ACCIDENTALLY dropped it while smoking..
Whole screen cracked, mehhh..
Sad lar wo.
But all the functions are still performing well.
Soooo, im just gonna use this phone, which ppl will laugh when look at it.
i can't afford iphone 4g.
damn !

We always had a LG HD wide screen TV in our living room,
and no idea what to do with it ... EXCEPT, playing street fighter :o !!

somehow, i don't know how larh..
Ron made it as the commentator screen,
so we play dota/starcraft 2
people can just sit on the couch and watch,
or watch HK drama thru PC

This drama reminds me how scary a woman can be.
* shakes & trembles *

HAHA, i only watch the interesting part larh.

And exams are coming up in 5 weeeeeks.
w000ts .

I also want that chanel braclet T_T

Haha, impossible ask money to buy those WANT stuffs.
sure give CHAK only, unless I spend on the NEED stuffs ;(((

Nevermind, been saving money since early june.
and seriously.

And I will be flying back to see my brootherrr.
omgee, can't wait to see his shiny head.
AHHA ! Maynnn, miss him so much larh !!

BTW, i did promise about the gold coast pitcahh last post.
sooo here it is !! ;] ;]

btw, please teach me how to upload gazillions picture in blog
instead of me putting it up 5 by 5 ! so sad larh ! ;[


I didn't enjoy much man..
I am really afraid of height,
when i look down at a very tall place,
i feel like the floor is moving and stuffs..
lulul !

Nais ?

i noticed my watermark is blocking and shit.
but what can i do,
too late dy ! ;o !
sORRy ;(

Mr Lee ! Another ipoh kaki !

Ipoh Zai

Miri Zai

Ipoh Zai #2

I remember this place,
I don't exactly remember what's the place called but..
it's at the 27 or 28th floor right ?
and the whole restaurant spins slowly..

syok la !
I was eating at first noticing there's a carnival in front of me..
Half way it became a beach..
lol !!

winbuilding design !
i'm giving a thumbs up !

Me and nnie !

Hong and XXQ

that's how we role baby !

Syok la, i was beating him on this one.
Man, no way to win him in shooting game.
He's like ... a robot installed with terminator chip within his brain la WTF
not fair one !


Haha, damn man ! That's a huge ass dog

Live show on the theme park !

Man, loved this cartoon man..
I can imitate the scooby laughing sound la.
TOO BAD you can't get to hear it.
it's the eight wonder man! Haha

that's some fat bunny! FAT !

Bat mobile, who doesn't wanna own one of these.
real ones lol, not made of plastic one la of coz !

Ghost Rider much ?

I don't know what this is ..
Clown man ?
I don't know much about disney man,
all about courage and scooby ! CNN !

Clearly he's having a fun time.

K o a l a



haibu very the sad faces

cute right ? gg.
why am i posting this up.
minus my manhood la !

ApologizE !

This guy spent 2bucks to win a 2010 nitendo man.
what a lucky bastard.
seriously, mann... 2bucks ?

Should go casino and just give me 5% of his jackpot larh !

Oh yea high scoreee babeyy

Making the band
Making the band 2
Last day in Goldcoast ! ;]

yeah.. 18rm for an ice cream
sadness ?
POKAI liao lor !

win ride !
thumbs up ! haha

Clearly, i can tell.

Teh and Awwwwwwwwwwwwww
First response i get from ron looking at this pic;
why ghis face look so gay wan..
i just notice how much of a fail pose this is.

i mean meowwwwwwww !!

haha, before i end this postttt,
i wanna let you all knowwwwww,
okay larhh.. you can call it as show off larh,
i won't go against you if you call me that !


wait wait..
Im giving you the definition 1st !

Southeast Asia (or Southeastern Asia) is a subregion of Asia, consisting of the countries that are geographically south of China, east of India and north of Australia.
. The mainland section consists of Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnamand Peninsular Malaysia while the maritime section consists of Brunei, East Malaysia, East Timor, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Singapore.

Ok are you readyyy ??

Iiiii ammmm !!

Rank 48 in SC 2 in southeast asia server babeyyyy,
so sad number 1 is actually from singapore..
wth.. sadness

Wo Xi Huan, Ni Xi Huan ?
Ni Xi Huan, Wo Xi Huan ?
Ying wei... WO HEN QIANG !!

Shut It All Down - Jarfus ( Ft. Ray-J )

Tataaaaaaa !!
see you awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees next time !!

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