Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ticket up to the moon


I haven't got the heart to blog anymore.
Well, actually there's nothing happening lately...

Well, there's couple of interesting stuffs but don't think i'm allowed to share here..
Hah, let's see wutt happened today..

Went out with syuan today..
Shopping, again...

Got me nice shorts, a black and a white.
i also wanted to get the ck pants tho but it's 299$ AUD.
To convince you to buy it, they've it on sale for 210$ AUD...
haha, normally i would take something if i really like it.

But srsly, im broke.
HAHA, fuck you rappers.
i have a thing for rappers like ..
ludacris, fabolous, kanye west, 50cent, lloyd banks..

most of the stuffs i buy are cause they have it,
and THEN i want it.
sad no ?
bad influence...

( incase ya'll don't know, I failed my exam )
it's sad... The results aren't out till july 12 ?
but im no bullshitter..


I gotta admit i didn't really study in the mid-term..
only study last minute..
I was thinking about giving up and fly back to the slums,
to the days where i live under the same roof with me pops again..

I personally don't give a shit about the cert,
if my family doesn't give a rats ass about it,
i would fly back tonight and fuck what other people thinks about me,
in this case, a university drop-out.

I am not saying it does not bother me,
but i rather pay less attention to those low lifers,
who only focuses on people's negativity,
what about their positivities ?

ya'll know ya'll are haters.

but i know getting a degree cert will turn my dad from a frown to smile,
but what have i done ?
i can only guarantee i did good for 2 exams.
and the other 2 was shit i think..


but i know i gave my real real best on the last 3weeks,
luckily i did.
or i'll be feeling shittier cause i would've regretted.

I did what i could, maybe not what i could
but what should be done, i've done it all.

Studying in library and kitchen annoying nnie to teach me,
I feel like shit to annoy her everyday..
srsly, i can tell it even she says she's not annoyed.

she has to study for her own exams
im asking her to help me everyday.

thank you nnie.
im grateful dont say im not ah..
bang you.

but the good part is that...
i'll be home in the next 11days.

I can't wait to go church, with my grandma on sundays
I know she'll be very happy if i sing church songs??
and lend my ears for 2 hours.

I'm gonna visit my family and all friends that meant alot to me.
and visit a special friend,

if he could see me now, i know he'll be proud.
he made me stronger than ever, he have faith in me always.
when times are hard and lifes a bitch,
when im at the balcony alone smoking, he's the one im thinking,

now he may be gone, but he's never over.
i miss you jia ee..
not everyone is so lucky like me to have a guardian angel like you.
with you watching and guiding me from above,
i know there's nothing stopping me from getting what i want.

you may be forgotten by many,
but you will always be in my mind.
RIP jia ee,
i love you buddy.

99 Problems - Jay Z

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